Leadership Lessons From The Summer Of 14

This is the third Blog from my Summer ministry. Let's take a look at Leadership.

One of the highlights of this Summer of 14 was the leadership conversations with Youth Leaders across the country. The advantage that I have as a speaker is that my view of the week is of my own design. I get to hang out with teens during free time, watch the team competitions (and participate/cheat in the games for the last place team), attend morning chapel, eat lunch with the students, drop in the mud pit or blob a junior high kid, and minister to the entire camp daily from the platform. So, how was your summer?

But, one of my faves of summer are the Youth Leadership meetings with the people on the front lines of Youth Ministry. As much as I think that I am teaching these leaders, learning from them is a value add to me that I am privileged to get from various vantage pints and world views. I spoke with leaders from the urban, sub-urban, and rural seetings. From the full-time leaders in mega-churches to the volunteers in a church plant. Talk about going to university and getting an education.

Here are my lessons learned from Youth Leaders all over America this Summer of 14:

1. "We love what we do" - That may be the greatest lesson from this summer. That all of us MUST get into our sweet spot. That is where we are most effective. Not only are we on the right bus. Or, in the right seat. But, is the bus going to the right place?

2. "I learn so much from other Youth Leaders" - The best leaders on the planet realize that peer mentoring is free if we are good watchers. What can you learn by being the pupil to those around you simply through observation? I really believe you could save yourself trouble and hardship through observation. Ask questions. Study the people you respect. Even from afar. It's a free education.

3. "Maybe I need to relax and have more fun" - When a Youth Leader said this to me it was so real. Because that is something that more spiritual than all of us think. The Proverbs are filled with laughter. And I know teenagers. They not only like to PRAY, they like to PLAY!

4. "My own spiritual life is not as strong as my teens" - Listen, if spiritual leadership doesn't pick it up and discipline themselves, this generation WILL surpass us. Every statistician has found in the past 4 years an increasing desire for education and competition in this generation. They want to excel at everything they do. They aren't messing around.

Just a few lessons from my Summer of 14. If the church is in the hands of the Youth Leaders that I see all across the country, the church is in great hands.
